Sep 25, 2023
These pun-filled riddles are a delightful play on words! They're a great reminder of how humor can be found in the most unexpected places, even in the names of countries and cities. ??
This is a riddle on jokes
Which nation name has too much land: PoLAND
Which Muslim country capital respects Buddhists: IsLAMAbad
Which capital city sees the future: WarSAW
Which nation respects human body the most: ThighLand
Which nation is good at finishing tasks FINland
Which nation could be an outdoor garment COAT-a Rica
Which city is fastest to get things done LonDONE
Which city is always sleepy NAPles
Which city is always on the job DAILY (Delhi)
Which country could make you cry CHILE
Which city is always clean WASHington
Which city might you turn to for advice Tell Aviv (Tel Aviv)
Which nation loves tea in style: HaiTea
Which country is always prepared for a meal Hungary.
Which Christian capital city is Muslim-friendly Mosque-O (Moscow)
Note: All in good humor, with some names tweaked to fit the pun!