Bamboozling the Royal Scholar

Aug 22, 2023

The royal scholar mocks the court jester, but lives to regret it! See how a simple riddle leaves the know-it-all completely stumped.

King Jambo's royal scholar Zuberi was strutting around the palace one day when he came across the court jester Bambo.

"Say, would you rather answer a hundred easy questions or one difficult one" Zuberi asked in a smug tone.

Bambo could tell Zuberi aimed to embarrass him. But he boldly replied, "Give me your toughest question, scholar!"

"Very well. What came first - the yam or the yam seed" Zuberi thundered dramatically. ⚡️

"The yam, of course," Bambo answered without hesitation.

"Oh really And how do you know that" Zuberi mocked.

"Hey now, you said one question - and you've asked it! No follow-ups allowed," Bambo declared with a smirk.

Zuberi was left sputtering in shock at being outwitted. King Jambo, who'd observed the whole exchange, laughed heartily.

"Well played, Bambo! It seems my scholar has finally met his match in you," the king chuckled.

From then on, Zuberi never underestimated the wit and wisdom of the court jester. And Bambo proved that even a humble comedian could best the royal scholar if given the chance!