Cricket jokes

Sep 19, 2023

"These cricket jokes are a real 'hit'! Whether you're a cricket enthusiast or just in the mood for some sports humor, these will surely bowl you over with laughter. Keep reading to laugh more! ?? "

Cricket the national obsession of South Asia and the popular game of UK, Australia, New Zealand and West Indies. Here are a few cricket jokes!
Why did the cricket player go to jail He was caught behind!
What did the cricket coach say about the new player "He's a real catch!"
What do you call a cricket match that goes on forever A test of time.
Why don't ants ever get caught LBW Because they're so good at playing with straight bats!
What's a cricket player's favorite type of dance The "swing"!
Why did the cricketer bring a ladder to the game To catch a "high" ball!
What do cricketers use to write letters A "run"-ning pen!
What do you call a cricketer's favorite shoes Bowlers!
Why did the cricketer want a raise His batting average was higher than his salary!
Why did the cricket player go to the library To find books on "swing" theories!
Why did the cricket player go to space He wanted to hit a six, out of this world!
Why don't cricketers ever become locksmiths Because they can't handle a run chase!