Kwaku and Kojo's Hilarious Misadventures

Sep 01, 2023

Kwaku and Kojo met on a dusty village road in Ghana. Kwaku was carrying a large sack over his shoulder.

Yo Kwaku, what's in the bag asked Kojo.
Chickens, replied Kwaku.
If I guess how many, can I get one asked Kojo.
You can have both of them if you guess right, chuckled Kwaku.
Kojo stroked his chin thoughtfully for a moment. Hmm...I guess there are two chickens in the bag!
Kwaku laughed and handed over the bag with two clucking chickens.
On another day, Kwaku and Kojo were resting under a baobab tree when a herd of goats walked by.
I bet you can't guess how many goats just passed us, challenged Kwaku.
Kojo surveyed the fading dust trail. Nine goats! he proclaimed proudly.
Kwaku smiled and gave Kojo a baby goat as his prize.
The next week, Kwaku found Kojo fishing unsuccessfully in the river. I bet you can't guess what I have in my basket, Kwaku said slyly.
Fish! yelled Kojo.
Lucky guess! Kwaku said, handing Kojo a large tilapia from his basket.
The last time they met, Kojo saw Kwaku walking away from the market. Let me guess what's in your new burlap sack! said Kojo looking at the receipt hanging with the bags, with price of 5 pineapples.
Three pineapples, he guessed randomly.
Kwaku cracked up. Not even close my friend! But here, have a pineapple for trying.