The Laughs of Tumi

Aug 26, 2023

Laugh yourself silly with Tumi the comedian as he cracks wise in King Shaka's royal court. Read the story now for side-splitting funny!

One day, King Shaka of the Zulu wanted to test if his court jester Tumi was truly intelligent or just pretended to be smart.

King Shaka: Let's see how clever you really are Tumi! I will place this heavy boulder ⛰ on one side of the scales ⚖️. You must balance it using only your intelligence!

Tumi: Hmmm let me think for a moment your majesty.

Tumi then placed a small peacock feather on the other side of the scales.

King Shaka: How can a tiny feather possibly balance this gigantic boulder Tumi

Tumi: My king, my intelligence compared to yours is like this feather to that mighty boulder ⛰. So if you consider me to be clever, then the feather should balance the rock as you say I am intelligent.

King Shaka: Well played Tumi! I'm very impressed with your witty response. You have proven how bright you are!

Tumi: Thank you sire! I'm happy to entertain you with my intellect.