When Desi Spirits Crash the Halloween Party

Nov 15, 2023

Embark on a rib-tickling collision of Halloween and Diwali as our mischievous desi spirits RSVP to the Halloween gala. It`s a magical, hilarious ride you won`t want to miss!

When Desi Spirits Crash the Halloween Party: A Rib-Tickling Tale

Halloween in the West and Diwali in India - if festivals had Facebook, they'd probably list their relationship status as "It's Complicated." ‍♂️ But what if our mischievous desi spirits decided to RSVP to the Halloween gala Let's hop on this magical, hilarious rickshaw ride!

Origins - When Patakas Met Firecrackers
The Celts believed the dead returned, perhaps wondering if they missed the Diwali sale at the local bazaar. ️ Celts used to don masks to mix in. Today Masks might range from fierce rakshasas to... paneer tikka masala costumes

Jack-O'-Lanterns: Diwali Diya’s Global Twin
Ever heard of Stingy Jack from Ireland He had a turnip lantern. But let’s jazz it up Bollywood style: what if he danced with a diya instead "Bhai, is that sandalwood aroma coming from your pumpkin"

Costumes: Dandiya Meets Dracula
Picture Chacha Chaudhary fighting off vampires with his brain that supposedly works faster than a computer! Or Bahubali rescuing a damsel from a haunted haveli. "Why use swords when I have my trusty dandiya sticks"

From Gulab Jamun to Gummy Bears
While we cherish our mithai boxes, Halloween is the stock market of candies. Little Priya might exclaim, "Swap you three pedas for that lollipop!" Meanwhile, Dad sneakily quality-checks the chocolates... for, you know, "safety."

Haunted Havelis & Chai Time Ghosts
Haunted houses How about Bollywood-style haunted havelis with ghosts that break into song and dance "Aao, kabhi haveli pe!" And instead of terrifying screams, there's a ghostly aunty insisting, "Beta, have more samosas!"


As our ladoos roll next to Halloween candies, there’s a beautiful, hilarious merger of East meets West. While we’re here lighting up our homes and hearts, let’s also light up our funny bones. Every festival, whether draped in a saree or a spooky sheet, is about love, laughter, and a dash of madness!